5 IoT Companies Works On Blockchain

BlockChain IoT

Iot blockchain has become a highly spoken topic in recent days. The blockchain model provides people with many convenience and comfort. When the Internet of Things technology was added to this model, good results were obtained. Many companies do research on this subject. Before talking about these companies, it is useful to explain the concepts of internet of objects and what is blockchain.


What is the Internet of Things?

Nowadays, the Internet of Things technology has started to put human characteristics on every object you see around you. The things you need to think about are objects that you think and do on your behalf. In the world that has turned into digital, the internet of objects is in the focus of everyone’s attention. How does this technology work?

The objects are connected to the internet with the help of specific network and sensors. These objects connected to the Internet interact with each other or with larger systems and exchange information. As a result, they perform almost any task you can think of. Although the history is very old, the internet of objects has reached a very important point with the development of technology.

What is IoT?
What is IoT?

Usage areas are expanding day by day. Smart cities, smart homes, iot in industry, iot in health, iot in education, iot in agriculture, and many more are likely to come across. With the solutions it offers in smart cities, it finds solutions to many problems such as transportation, environmental pollution and end-of-life energy resources. In smart homes, your routine work is done by objects. Even if you are not at home, your home is under control. It provides productivity, productivity and quality in business life.

Many solutions in the health and medical field have been found thanks to the Internet of Things technology. In other words, focusing on this subject and conducting research will bring the future to a very important point. Nowadays, the Internet of Things technology is a solution to many problems in finance.

What is a blockchain?

The database is called blockchain, which makes it possible to keep data records that increase continuously and make them an unbreakable chain. It is an important form that is thought to bring about changes in the financial sector and many other sectors. The technology that forms the basis of the idea that leads to important successes such as Bitcoin is block chain technology.

Blockchain platform

blockchain platform
blockchain platform

Blockchain data structure can be called a linked list. This linked list creates an unbreakable chain and does not allow different blocks to enter or exit. Adding to this chain is a condition. This requirement is that all participants perform verification.

Advantages of BlockChain Structure

  • Apart from the protection of private transactions, participants are authorized to see the transactions in the chain.
  • It has a safe structure. It is possible to expand the database. But it is almost impossible to make changes to historical data.
  • Thanks to this technology, end-to-end messaging has become secure. The most recent example is Bitcoin.
Advantages of BlockChain Structure
Advantages of BlockChain Structure

Usage Areas of BlockChain Technology

The concept of crypto money and blockchain technology, which became famous with Bitcoin, have many other uses. This technology is of particular interest to those seeking a secure database. Some of the uses are described below: In the financial industry, especially those seeking innovative solutions in banking are used in areas such as payment processing, money transfers, identity management, and so on.

It is also used in some areas to provide innovative solutions by utilizing technology in the public sector. It can be used in voting, creating smart contracts, providing energy distribution, social security and tax systems etc. applications. It can also be used in larger projects by combining with the internet of objects.

Usage Areas of BlockChain Technology
BlockChain Technology Use Cases

Internet of Things and Blockchain

Blockchain technology is thought to provide great advantages by eliminating the security problem in Internet of Things technology. The Internet of Things will be able to systematically protect their devices against external hazards. These dangers can be eliminated by secure messaging. Without the need for a third authority, the devices can interact safely with blockchain technology. This system plays an important role in tracking many products connected to the internet. Iot blockchain is an important concept for secure projects.

IoT Blockchain Companies

The Internet of Things appears in all areas and provides unlimited benefits. With the development of technology, technologies are combined for safer and more innovative solutions. The use of blockchain technology in the Internet of Things technology. There are many companies that do this. Some of these companies are listed below:

1- Helium

San Francisco is a California-based machine network company that uses blockchain in the Internet of Things. Connects objects with the blockchain-based internet. They have established a successful blockchain system and continue to work.

helium blockchain
helium blockchain

2- Chronicled

Located in San Francisco, California, this is another company that uses blockchain technology on the Internet of Things. By applying blockchains to iot devices, the internet of objects brings efficiency to the supply business with the help of special transport containers and sensors.


3- Arctouch

The company, based in San Francisco, California, has developed several blockchain applications that connect to iot devices.

Arctouch BlockChain
Arctouch BlockChain

4- Filament

This company, which produces hardware and software with blockchain support, is located in Reno, Nevada. This ensures the security of iot devices used in many industries (energy, construction, etc.).

Filament BlockChain
Filament BlockChain


This company is based in New York City, which uses blockchains to maximize security in home and car locks at ATMs using Internet of Things technology.

Hypr BlockChain
Hypr BlockChain

There are many other companies that integrate the Internet of Things technology and block chain technology. Some of these companies that focus on innovation and solve problems with innovative solutions are: NETOBJEX, XAGE SECURITY, GRID +, WoTT, NXM, UniquID, Atonomy, SmartAxiom, Taraxa and many more companies. These companies will achieve greater success than their competitors because they care about technology. Their products and services will be of higher quality.


5 IoT Companies Works On Blockchain

Iot system and blockchain are two elements of the future world. Here you’ll find our what Iot blockchain technology is and Iot platforms on blockchain.

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